1 a After that ye haue bene dead to beggerlie ceremonies.
5 d Extinguish all the strength of the corrupt nature which resisteth against the Spirit, that ye may liue in the Spirit, and not in the flesh.
12 ! To the which he addeth exhortations, bothe general and particular to charitie & humilitie.
12 e He sheweth what frutes are in them that are dead to the worlde & are risen againe with Christ.
15 / Or, gracious, or thinkeful.
16 h Psalmes properly conteine complainings to God, narrations, & expostulations: hymnes, onely thankes giuing: songs conteine praises, & thankes giuing, but not so largely and amply, as hymnes do.
16 / Or, thankes giuing.
25 m Whether he be master or seruant.