1 / Or, peine and care.
1 a Me present in bodie.
5 b In bodie.
8 d Teaching you vaine speculations, as worshipping of Angels, of blinde ceremonies and beggerlie traditions: for now they haue none vse seing Christ is come.
8 ! To the seruice of angels or anie other inuentionm, or els ceremonies of the Law.
9 e In saying that the Godhead is really in Christ he sheweth that he is verie God: also saying, in him, he declareth two distincte natures, and by this worde dwelleth he proueth that it is there for euer.
12 g In beleuing that God by his power raised vp Christ, whereof we haue a sure token in our baptisme.
14 h The ceremonies,and rites were as it were a publike profession, and hand writing of the miserable state of man kinde: for circumcision did declare our natural pollution: the purifyings, & washings signified the filth of sinne: the sacrifices testified that we were giltie of death, which were all taken away by Christs death.
14 / Or, obligation.
18 l Meaning, that the hypocrites led them at their pleasure into all superstition and error.
23 / Or, but they are of no value saue for the filling of the flesh.