1 ! Dauid sore afflicted & forsaken of all prayeth feruently for deliuerance: sometimes rehearsing his miseries.
1 a Dauid persecuted of saul, thus praied, leauing the same to the Church as a monument, how to seke redresse against their miseries.
5 ! Sometimes the mercies receiued.
6 e By crying and calling continually, he sheweth how we mai not be wearie, thou God grante not forthe with our request, but that we must earnestly, and often call vpon him.
9 g This proueth that Dauid praised in the name of Christ the Messias, of whose kingdome he doeth here prophecie.
11 h He confesseth him slef ignorant til God hathe taught him, and his heart variable & seperat from God, til God joyne it to him & confirme it in his obedience.
13 i That is, from moste great danger of death: out of the which none, but onely the mightie hand of God, colde deliuer him.
14 k He sheweth that there can be no moderation nor equitie, where proude tyrants reigne & that the lacke of Gods feare is as a priuledge to all vice and crueltie.