1 b Dauid signifieth by the waters, in what great dangers he was, out of the which God did deliuer him.
1 a Of Shoshannim read {Psal. 45}
1 ! The complaints, prayers, feruent zeale & great anguish of Dauid is set forthe as a figure of Christ & all his members
4 f Thei judged me pore innocent as a thief and gaue my goods to others as thogh I had stollen them.
9 i When I sawe thine enemies pretend thy Name onely in mouth, and in their life denie the same, thine holie Spirit thrust me forwarde, to reproue them & defend thy glorie.
13 m Knowing that albeit I suffer now trouble, yet you hath a time, wherein you hast appointed my deliuerance.
14 n He sheweth a liuelie faith in that that he assureth him self, that God is fauorable to him, when he semeth to be angrie: & at hand, when he semeth to be farre of
17 o Not that he feared that God wold not heare him, but that care made him to thinke that God differred long.
20 q He sheweth that it is in vaine to put our trust in men in our great necessities, but that our comfort onely dependeth of God: for man rather increaseth our sorowes, then dimisheth them, {John 19,29}
22 r He desireth God to execute his judgements against the reprobate, which can not by anie meanes be turned, {Rom. 11,9}
27 u By their continuance and increasing in their sinnes let it be knowen that they be of the reprobate.
28 x They which semed by their profession to haue bene writen in thy boke, yet by their frutes proue the contrarie, let them be knowen as reprobate.
33 z For as he deliuered his seruant Dauid, so wil he do all that are in destres, and call vpon him.
35 ! Finally he doeth prouake all creatues to praises, prophecying of the kingdome of Christ, & and the preseruacion of the Church, where all the faithful