1 a The Prophet sheweth that albeit God suffreth the wicked tyrants to opposse his Church for a time, yet at length he wil be reuenged of them.
2 ! In this psalme Dauid setteth forthe as in a glasse the wonderful mercies of God towarde his people
3 b He sheweth that when God declareth his power against the wicked that it is for the commoditie & saluation of his Church, which praise him therefore.
4 c Jah & Jehouah are the ames of God, which do signifie his essence & jajestie incormprehensible, so that herby is declared, that all idols are but vanitie, & that the God of Israel is the onely true God.
6 d He giueth children to them, that be childless, and increaseth their families.
7 f He teacheth that Gods fauour peculiarly belongeth to his Church, as appeareth by their wonderful deliuerance out of Egypt.
11 h The facion then was that women sang songs after the victorie, as Miriam, Deborah, Judith and others.
13 k Thogh God suffer his Church for a time to lie in blacke darkenes, yet he wil restore it and make it moste shining & white.
15 m Zion the Church of God doeth excell all worldelie things, not in pompe & and outward shewe, but by the inwarde grace of God, which there remaineth because of his dwelling there.
15 ! And therefore Gods Church by reason of his promises, graces and victories doeth excel without comparison all worldie things.
18 o As God ouercame the enemies of his Church, toke them prisoners, and made the tributaries: so Christ, which is God manifested in flesh, subdued Satan & sinne vnder vs & gaue vnto his Church moste liberal giftes of his Spirit, {Eph. 4,8}
22 q As he deliuered his Church once from Og of Bashan, & other tyrants, & from the dangers of the red Sea, so wil he stil do as oft as necessitie requireth.
24 s That is, how you, which are chief King, goest out with thy people to warre, and giuest them the victorie.
25 t He describeth the ordre of the people, when thei went to the Temple to giue thankes for the victorie.
27 x Benjamin is called litle, because he was the yongest sonne of Jaakob.
30 a He desireth that the pride of the mightie may be destroied, which accustomed to garnish their shoes with siluer: & therfore for their glitering pompe thoght them selues aboue all men.
35 d In shewing feareful judgements against thine enemies for the saluation of thy people.