1 a Tamar was Absaloms sister both by father & mother, and Amons onely by father.
2 b And therefore kept in her fathers house, as virgins were accustomed.
5 c Here we se that there is no enterprise so wicked, that can lacke counsel to further it.
6 d Meaning, some delicate & dantie meat.
9 f For the wicked are ashamed to do that before men, which thei are not afrayed to commit in the sight of God.
9 e That is, she serued them on a dishe.
13 / Or, How shal I put away my shame.
13 g As a lewde & wicked persone.
14 ! Amon Dauids sonne defileth his sister Tamar.
18 h For the which was of diuers coulers or pieces in those dayes was had in greatest estimacion, {Gen. 37,3}, {judg. 5, 30}.
19 ! Tamar is comforted by her brother Absalom.
20 i For thogh he conceiued soden vengeance in his heart, yet he dissembled it til occasion serued, and comforted his sister.
23 / Or, in the plaine of Hazor.
23 k To wit, to a banket, thinking thereby to fulfil his wicked purpose.
26 i Pretending to the King, that Amnon was moste deare vnto him.
28 m Muche is the pride of the wicked masters that in all their wicked commandements they thinke to be obeyed.
29 ! Absalom therefore killeth Amnon.
31 n Lamenting, as he that felt the wrath of God vpon his house, {Chap. 12,10}
32 / Ebr. because it was put in Absaloms mouthe.
33 / Or, take it to heart.
34 / Or, one after an other.
35 o That onely Amnon is dead.
37 p For Maachah his mother wa the daughter of this Talmai, {chap. 3, 3}