1 a Because Dauid lay nowe drowned in sinne, the louing mercie of God, which suffreth not his to perish waketh his conscience by this similitude, and bringth him to repentance.
4 / Spared.
5 /Ebr is the ??? of deathe.
8 d That is, greater things then these: for Gods loue and benefites increase toward his, if by their ingratitude they stay him not.
8 c The Jewes vnderstand this of Eglah and Michal, or of Rizpah and Micual.
8 b For Dauid succeded Saul in his kingdome.
17 k Thinking by his instant prayer that God wolde haue restored his childe, but God had otherwise determined.
18 ! The children conceiued in adulterie, dyeth.
20 l Shewing that our lamentions oght not to be excessive, but moderate: and that we must praise God in all his doings.
21 m As they that considered not that God granteth manie things to the sobbes & teares of the faithful.
24 ! Salomon is borne.
25 q Meaning, Dauid.
26 ! Rabbah is taken.
31 t Signifying, that as thei were malicious enemies of God, so he put them to cruel death.