3 b That this might be an example of Gods vengeance against them that deale cruelly with his people.
3 ! Saul is commanded to slay Amalek.
6 c Which were the posteritie of Jethro Moses father in lawe.
11 e God in his eternal counsel neuer changeth nor repenteth, as {vers. 29}, thogh he semeth to vs to repent, when anie, thing goeth contrary to his temporal election.
13 f That is the nature of hypocrites, to be impudent against the trueth to condemne others, & justifie them selues.
23 i God hateth nothing more then disobedience of his commandement, thogh the intent seme neuer so good to man.
28 l That is, to Dauid.
32 n He suspected nothing lesse then death or as some write, he passed not for death.
35 p Thogh Saul came where Samuel was, {Chap. 19, 22}.