1 a By this example God wold declare to Israel that the victorie did not consist in multitude or armour, but onely came of his grace.
6 / Or, none can let the Lord.
9 d This he spake by the Spirit of prophecie, forasmuche as hereby God gaue him assurance of the victorie.
14 ! Jonathan and his armour bearer put the Philistims to flight.
15 h In that the insensible creatures tremble for feare of Gods judgement, it declareth how terrible his vengeance shalbe against his enemies.
21 k Thogh before for feare of the Philistims they declared them selues as enemies to their brethren.
24 l Such was his hypocricie & arrogancie, that he thoght to attribute to his policie that, which God had giuen by the hand of Jonathan.
24 / Ebr. bread.
38 ! Saul wolde put Jonathan to death.
41 r Cause the lot to fall on him that hathe borken the othe: but he doeth not consider his presumption in commanding the same othe.
45 s The people thoght it their duetie to rescue him, who of ignorance, had but broken a rashe lawe, and by whome they had receiued so great a benefite.
45 ! The people deliuer.
49 u Called also Abinadab, {Chap. 31,2}