1 a Which place was in the plaine of Moab nere vunto Jorden.
1 / Or, tauerners house, or hostes.
3 b Thogh the wicked se the hand of God vpon them, yet thei repent not, but seke how they may by their power resist his meanes.
6 c Meaning vpon the houses for then their houses were flat vboue, so that they might do their busines thereupon.
11 / Or, spirits.
11 / Or, melted.
11 e Herein appeareth the great mercie of God, that in this commune destruction he wolde draw a moste miserable sinner to repent & confesse his Name.
17 h We shal be discharged of our othe, if you doest performe this condicion that followeth: for so shalt you & thine be deliuered.
21 / Or, scarlet coulored.