1 a The beginning of this boke dependeth on the last chap. of Deut, which was writen by Joshua as a preparacion to his historie.
2 ! The Lord incourageth Joshua to inuade the land.
4 c Meaning the whole land of Canaan.
4 b Of Zin, called Nadesh & Paran.
4 d Called, Mediterraneum.
4 ! The borders and limites of the land of the Israelites.
5 ! The Lord promiseth to assist Joshua, if he obey his worde.
7 / Or, growe stronger & stronger
7 e He sheweth wherein consisteth true prosperitie, euen to obey the worde of God.
8 f Shewing that it was not possible to gouerne wel without continual studie of Gods worde
11 ! Joshua commandeth the people to prepare them selues to passe ouer Jorden,
11 g Meaning from the day that this was proclaimed.
12 ! And exhorteth the Reubenites to execute their charge.
13 h Which belonged to Sihon the King of the Amorites, and Og King of Bashan
14 / Or, beyonde Jorden, from Jericho.
15 i By your request, but yet by Gods secret appointement, {Deut. 33,21}.
17 k They do not onely promes to obey him so long as God is with him: but to helpe to punish all that rebelle against him.