1 a God beareth with Moses douting, because he was not al together without faith.
1 ! Moses rod is turned into a serpent.
5 b This power to worke miracles was to confirme his doctrine, & to assure him of his vocation.
6 ! His hand is leperous.
9 c Because these thre signes shulde be sufficient witnes to proue that Moses shulde deliuer Gods people.
9 ! The water of the riuer is turned into blood.
10 / Ebr. from yesterday, & yet yesterday.
10 / Ebr. heauie of mouthe.
13 d That is, of the Messias: or some other, that is more mete then I.
14 e Thogh we prouoke God justly to angre, yet he wil neuer reject his.
14 ! Aaron is giuen to helpe Moses.
15 f Thou shalt instruct him what to say.
16 g Meaning as a wise counselor and ful of Gods Spirit.
18 / Or, kinsfolke, & lignage.
20 / Ebr. caused them to ride.
20 h Whereby he wrought the miracles.
21 ! God hardeneth Pharaoh.
21 j By reteining my spirit and deliuering him vnto Satan to increase his malice.
22 k Meaning moste dere vnto him.
24 l God punished with a sickenes for neglecting his Sacrament.
25 m This acte was extrodinarie: for Moses was sore sicke, and God euen then required it.
25 ! His wife circumcises her sonne.
27 ! Aaron meteth with Moses, and thei come to the Israelites, and are beleued.
31 n So that Moses had now experience of Gods promes that he shulde haue good successe.