1 / Or, far with in the desert.
1 a It was so called after the Lawe was giuen.
1 b Called also Sinai.
2 c This signifieth that the Church is not consumed by the fier of afflictions, because God is in the middes therof.
5 f Because of my presence.
14 n The God which haue euer bene, am and shalbe: the God almightie, by whome all things haue their being, and the God of mercie mindeful of my promes, {Reuel 1:4}.
18 o Because Egypt was ful of idolatrie, God wolde appoint them a place where thei shulde serue him purely.
22 p This example may not be followed generally: thogh at Gods command thei did it justly, receiuing some recompense of their labours.