1 a This dreame was not so muche for Pharoah, as to be a meane to deliuer Joseph, and to prouide for his Church.
1 / Ebr. at the end of two yeres of daies.
8 c This feare was ynough to teache him, that this vision was sent of God.
14 f The wicked seke to the Prophets of God in their necessitie, whome in their prosperitie they abhorre.
16 / Ebr. answer peace.
33 i The office of a true Prophet is not onely to shewe the euils to come, but also the remedies for the same.
40 / Ebr. mouthe.
40 l Some read the people shal kisse thy mouthe: that is, shal obey thee in all things.
43 m In signe of honour: which worde some expound, tender father, or father of the King, or knele downe.
43 / Ebr. seconde charet.
45 / Or, the expounder of secrets.
46 n His age is mencioned both to shewe that his autoritie came of God, and also that he suffred imprisonment & exile twelue yeres and mo.
51 o Notwithstanding that his fathers house was the true Church of God: yet the companie of the wicked and prosperitie caused him to forget it.
51 ! He hathe two sonnes: Manasseh and Ephraim.
54 / Or fode.