2 / Or, eunuches. The worde signifieth them that were in high estate, or them that were gelded.
3 a God worked many wonderful meanes to deliuer his.
5 b That is, euerie dreame had his interpretation, as the thing afterward declared.
7 / Ebr. why are your faces euil?
8 ! The interpretation of dreames is of God.
8 c Can not God raise vp suche as shal interpret suche things?
12 ! Joseph expoundeth the dreames of the two prisoners.
12 d He was assured by the Spirit of God that his interpretation was true.
14 e He refused not the meanes to be deliuered, which he thoght God had appointed.
16 f That is, made of white twigges, or, as some read, baskets ful of holes.
18 g He sheweth that the ministers of God oght not to conceile that, which God reueileth vnto them.
20 h Which was an occasion to appoint his officers and to examine them that were in prison.
23 ! The ingratitude of the butler.