1 b It semeth that this psal. was appointed for solemne feastes & assemblies of the people, to whome for a time these ceremonies were ordeined, but now vnder the Gospel are abolished.
1 ! An exhortation to praise God bothe in heart & voice for his benefites.
5 d That is, in Israel: for Josephs familie was counted the chief before that Judah was preferred.
6 f If thei were neuer able to giue sufficient thankes to God for this deliuerance from corporal bondage, how muche more are we indetted to him for our spiritual deliuerance from the tyrannie of Satan & sinne?
7 / Or, contention, {Exod. 17,16}
8 h He condemneth all assembles, where the people are not attentiue to heare Gods voice, & to giue obedience to the same.
10 i God accuseth their incredulitie, because thei opened not their mouthes to receiue Gods benefites insuche abundance as he powreth them out.