1 a To reproue him because he had committed so horrible sinnes, and lied in the same without repentance more then a whole yere.
1 b As his sinnes were manifolde & great so he requireth that God wolde giue him the feling of his excellent and abundant mercies.
1 ! When Dauid was rebuked by the Prophet Nathan, for his great offences, he did not onely acknowledge the same to God with protestation of his natural corruption and iniquitie,but also left a memorial thereof to his posteritie.
4 e When thou giuest sentence against sinners, thei must nedes confesse thee to be just and them selues sinners.
6 f He confesseth that God, who loueth purenes of heart, maie justely destroy man, who of nature, who of nature is a sinner, much more him, whome he had instructed in his heauenlie wisdome.
8 h By the bones he vnderstandeth all strength of foule and bodie, which by cares and mourning are consumed.
8 g He meaneth Gods comfortable mercies towards repentant sinners.
10 i He confesseth that when Gods Spirit is colde in vs, to haue it againe reuiued is as a new creation.
13 l He promiseth to endeuour that others by his example may turne to God.
18 ! Finally fearing lest God wolde punish the whole Church for his faute, he requireth that he wolde rather increase his graces towards the same.
18 p He praieth for the whole Church, because through his sinne it was in danger of Gods judgement.