Psalm 141: O Lord, I unto thee do cry
A Psalm of David.
Meter: C.M. (8,6,8,6)
1 O Lord, I unto thee do cry, do thou make haste to me, And give an ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee.
2 As incense let my prayer be directed in thine eyes; And the uplifting of my hands as th’ ev ‘ning sacrifice.
3 Set, Lord, a watch before my mouth, keep of my lips the door. 4 My heart incline thou not unto the ills I should abhor,
To practise wicked works with men that work iniquity; And with their delicates my taste let me not satisfy.
5 Let him that righteous is me smite, it shall a kindness be; Let him reprove, I shall it count a precious oil to me:
Such smiting shall not break my head; for yet the time shall fall, When I in their calamities to God pray for them shall.
6 When as their judges down shall be in stony places cast, Then shall they hear my words; for they shall sweet be to their taste.
7 About the grave’s devouring mouth our bones are scatter’d round, As wood which men do cut and cleave lies scatter’d on the ground.
8 But unto thee, O God the Lord, mine eyes uplifted be: My soul do not leave destitute; my trust is set on thee.
9 Lord, keep me safely from the snares which they for me prepare; And from the subtile gins of them that wicked workers are.
10 Let workers of iniquity into their own nets fall, Whilst I do, by thine help, escape the danger of them all.