A psalm of David.
1 O God, my Lord, on thee I call,
do thou make hast to me:
and hearken thou unto my voice,
when I cry unto thee.
2 And let my pray’r directed be
as incense in thy sight:
and the up-lifting of my hands
as sacrifice at night.
3 Jehovah, oh that thou would’st set
a watch my mouth before:
as also of my lips with care
o do thou keep the door.
4 Bow not my heart to evil things;
to do the wicked deed
with wicked workers: and let not
me of their dainties feed.
5 Let just-men smite me, kindness ‘tis;
let him reprove me eke,
it shall be such a precious oil,
my head it shall not break:
For yet my prayr’s ev’n in their woes.
6 When their judges are cast
on rocks, then shall they hear my words,
for they are sweet to taste.
7 Like unto one who on the earth
doth cut and cleave the wood,
ev’n so our bones at the graves mouth
are scattered abroad.
8 But unto thee O God, the Lord
directed are mine eyes:
my soul o leave not destitute,
on thee my hope relies.
9 O do thou keep me from the snare
which they have laid for me;
and also from the grins of those
that work iniquity.
10 Together into their own nets
o let the wicked fall:
until such time that I escape
may make from them withal.