A song of degrees.
1 REmember David, Lord,
and all’s affliction:
2 How to the Lord he swore, and vow’d
to Jacob’s mighty one.
3 Surely I will not go
my houses tent into:
upon the palate of my bed,
thither I will not go.
4 I will not verily
give sleep unto mine eyes:
nor will I give to mine eye-lids
slumber in anywise,
5 Until that for the Lord
I do find out a seat:
a fixed habitation,
for Jacobs God so great.
6 Behold, at Ephratah,
there did we of it hear:
ev’n in the plain-fields of the wood
we found it to be there.
7 We’ll go into his tents:
we’ll at his footstool bow.
8 Arise, Lord, thou into thy rest:
and th’ Ark of thy strength now.
9 Grant that thy priests may be
clothed with righteousness:
o let thy holy ones likewise
shout forth for joyfulness.
10 Let not for David’s sake
a servant unto thee,
the face of thine anointed one
away quite turn’d be.
11 The Lord to David sware
truth, nor will turn from it;
thy body’s fruit, of them I’ll make
upon thy throne to sit.
12 If thy sons keep my law,
and covenant, I teach them;
upon thy throne for evermore
shall sit their children then.
13 Because Jehovah hath
made choice of mount Sion:
he hath desired it to be
his habitation.
14 This is my resting place
to perpetuity:
here will I dwell, and that because
desired it have I.
15 Bless her provision
abundantly I will:
the poor that be in her with bread
by me shall have their fill.
16 Her Priests with saving health
them also I will clad:
her holy ones likewise they shall
with shouting loud be glad.
17 The horn of David I
will make to bud forth there:
a candle I prepared have
for mine anointed dear.
18 His enemies I will
with shame apparel them:
but flourishing upon himself
shall be his Diadem: