1 ! The faithful grounding on Gods promes made vnto Dauid, desire that he wolde establish the same, bothe as touching his posteritie and the buylding of the Temple, to praie there as was forespoken {Deut. 12,5}
1 a That is, with how great difficultie he came to the kingdome & with how great zeale & care he went about to build thy Temple.
3 b Because the chief charge of the King was to set forthe Gods glorie, he sheweth, that he colde take no rest, nether wolde go about anie worldelie thing, were it neuer so necessarie, before he had executed his office.
6 d The commune brute was that the Arke shulde remaine in Ephrathah: that is, in Beth-lehem a plentiful place: but after we perceiued that you woldest place it in Jerusalem, which was barren as a forest & compassed about onely with hilles.
9 f Let the effect of thy grace bothe appeare in the Priests & in the people.
10 g As thou first madest promes to Dauid, so continue it to his posteritie, that whatsoeuer thei shal aske for their people, it maie be granted.
12 h Because this can not be accomplished but in Christ, it followeth that the promes was spiritual.