To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil A Song of loves.
1 My heart good mater boileth forth:
my works touching the king
I speak: my tongue is as the pen
of scribe swiftly writing.
2 Fairer thou art than sons of men:
grace in thy lips is shed:
because of this the Lord hath thee
for evermore blessed.
3 Thy wasting sword, O mighty one,
gird thou upon thy thigh,
thy glorious magnificence
and comely majesty.
4 Ride forth upon the word of truth,
meekness and righteousness;
and thy right hand shall lead thee forth
in works of dreadfulness.
5 Within the heart of the king’s foes
thine arrows piercing be;
whereby the people overcome
shall fall down under thee.
6 Thy throne, O God, forever is:
the scepter of thy state
7 right scepter is. Justice thou lov’st,
but wickedness dost hate:
because of this God, ev’n thy God,
he hath anointed thee
with oil of gladness above them
that they companions be.
8 Myrrh, aloes, and cassias smell,
all thy garments had,
out of the ivory palaces
whereby thy made thee glad.
9 Amongst thine honourable maids
kings daughters present were:
the queen is set at thy right hand
in fine gold of Ophir.
10 Hearken, O daughter, and behold,
do thou incline thine ear;
do thou forget thine own people,
and house of thy father.
11 So shall the king delighting rest
himself in thy beauty:
and bowing down worship thou him;
because thy Lord is he.
12 Then shall be present with a gift
the daughter there of Tyre;
the wealthy ones of the people
thy favour shall desire.
13 The daughter of the king she is
all glorious within:
and with embroideries of gold
her garments wrought have been.
14 She is led in unto the king
in robes with needle wrought:
the virgins that do follow her
shall unto thee be brought.
15 They shall be brought forth with gladness
also with rejoicing:
so shall they entrance have into
the palace of the king.
16 Thy children shall instead of those
that were thy fathers be,
whom thou may’st place in all the earth
in princely dignity.
17 Thy name remember’d I will make
through generations all:
therefore forever and for aye
the people praise thee shall.