1 ! The maiestie of Salomon, his hounour, strength, beautie, riches & power are praised, & also his mariage with the Egyptian being an heathen woman is blessed,
1 a That was a certeine tune or an instrument.
2 c Salomons beautie and eloquence to winne fauour with his people, and his power to ouercome his enemies, is here described.
4 d He alludeth to them that ride in chariots in their triumphes, shweing that the quiet state of a kingdome standeth in trueth, mekenes & justice, not in worldelie pompe and vanitie.
7 f Hathe established thy kingdome as the figure of Christ, which is the peace & joye of the Church.
10 i Vnder the figure of Pharaohs daughter he sheweth that the Church must cast of all carnal affections to obey Christ onely.
10 ! If that she can renounce her people & the loue of her countrey and giue her selfe wholly to her housband. Vnder the which figure the wounderful maiestie & increase of the kingdome of Christ and the Church his spouse now taken of the Gentiles is described.
12 k He signifieth that diuers of them, that be riche, shalbe benefactorus to the Church, albeit thei giue not perfite obedience to the Gospel.
12 / Or, Zor.
13 l There is nothing fained nor hypocritical, but she is glorious bothe within & without: and howbeit the Church hath not at all times this outwarde glorie, the faute is to be imputed onely to their owne ingratitude.
16 m Thei shal haue greater graces then their fathers.
16 n He signifieth the great compasse of Christs kingdome, which shalbe sufficient to enriche all his membres.