A psalm of David.
1 I Lift my soul to thee o Lord.
My God I trust in thee,
let me not be asham’d: nor let
my foes joy over me.
3 Yea, all that wait on thee shall not,
be fill’d with shamefulness:
but they shall be ashamed all,
who without cause transgress.
4 Thy ways, Jehovah, make me know,
thy paths make me discern.
5 Cause me my steps to order well,
in thy truth, and me learn,
For thou God of my saving health,
on thee I wait all day.
6 Thy bowels, Lord, and thy mercies
mind; for they are for aye.
7 Sins of my youth remember not,
neither my trespasses:
after thy mercy mind thou me
o Lord for thy goodness.
8 Good and upright God is, therefore
will sinners teach the way.
9 The meek he’ll guide in judgment: and
will teach the meek his way.
10 Jehovah’s paths they mercy are,
all of them truth also;
to them that keep his covenant,
and testimonies do.
11 For thy names sake o Jehovah,
freely do thou remit
mine own perverse iniquity:
because that great is it.
12 Who fears the Lord, him he will teach
the way that he shall choose.
13 his soul shall dwell at ease, his seed
as heirs the earth shall use.
14 The secret of God is with those
that do him reverence:
and of his covenant he them
will give intelligence.
15 Mine eyes continually are
upon Jehovah set:
for it is he that will bring forth
my feet out of the net.
16 Unto me-wards turn thou thy face,
and on me mercy show:
because I solitary am
afflicted poor also.
17 My hearts troubles enlarged are;
from my distress me bring.
18 See mine affliction, and my pain;
and pardon all my sin.
19 Mark my foes; for they many are,
and cruelly me hate,
20 My soul keep, free me; nor let me
be sham’d, who on thee wait.
21 Let soundness, and uprightness keep
me: for I trust in thee.
22 Israel from his troubles all,
o God, do thou set free.