1 ! The Prophet touched with the consideration of his sinnes, and also grieued with the cruel malice of his enemies.
1 a I put not my trust in anie worldelie thing.
7 ! Especially suche as he had committed in his youth. He beginneth euerie verse according to the Ebrewe letters two or thre except.
7 e He confesseth that his manifolde sinnes were the cause that his enemies did thus persecute him desireing that the cause of the euil may be taken awaie, to the intent, that the effect may cease.
12 i Meaning, the nomber is very small.
14 m His counsel conteined in his worde, whereby he declareth that he is the protector of the faithful.
19 o The greater that his afflictions were & the more that his enemies increased, the more nere felt he Gods helpe.