1 b That the heares might be more attentiue.
1 a Vnder the six seale he touched in general the corruption of the doctrine: but vnder the seuenth he sheweth the great danger thereof, & what troubles, sectes & heresies hathe bene & shalbe broght into the Church thereby.
2 c He sheweth the onelie remedie in our afflictions, to wit, to appeare before the face of God by the meanes of Jesus Christ, who is the Angel, the sacrifice, and the Priest, which presenteth our prayers, which remaine yet in earth, before the altar and diuine maiestie of God.
5 e He powreth the graces of the holie Gost into the hearts of the faithful.
5 f When this grace is declared, maruelous rebellions arise against it by reason of the wicked, which can nether abide to heare their sinnes touched, nor mercie offred.
7 g That is, proclaimeth warre, against the Church, and troubles by false doctrine, & so admonisheth them to watch.
7 h That is, the moste parte of men were seduced.
7 i Euen the verie elect were sore tryed and prouen.
12 q Of the ministers and teachers, which haue not taught as they oght to do.
12 r These are plagues for the contempt of the Gospel.
12 o That is, of Christ who is the sunne of justice, meaning that men by boasting of their workes and merites obscure Christ and tread his death vnder fete.