0 b Meaning, that God hathe appointed Christ to be chief & head of his Church.
2 ! He exhorteth them to laye a side all vice
2 a In this their infancie and new comming to Christ he willeth them to take hede lest for the pure milke, which is the first beginnings of learning the sincere worde, they be not deceiued by them which chop and change it, and giue poyson in stede thereof.
9 d That is partakers of Christes Priesthode & kingdome.
9 / Or, gotten by puchase.
12 e Your good conuersacion shalbe as a preparatiue against the day that God shal shew mercie vnto them and turne them.
13 ! To obey the rulers.
18 g In all obedience this must be before our eyes, that we obey in the Lord: for if anie commande things against God, then let vs answer, It is better to obey God then men.