1 a As becometh him that reuerenceth Christ, or whose tongue Christ ruleth & so taketh Christ for his witnes.
1 ! Hauing testified his great loue towardes his nacion, & the signes thereof,
3 b He wolde redeme the rejection of the Jewes that his owne damnacion, which declareth his zeale towarde Gods glorie, read {Exod. 32, 32}
4 c The Arke of the couenant because it was a signe of Gods presence, was called Gods gloire, {1Sam. 4:21. psal. 26:8}
6 / Greke, fall away.
7 g The Israelites must not be estemed by their kinred, but by the secret election of God, which is aboue the external vocacion.
15 i As the onelie wil & purpose of God is the chief cause of election & reprobacion: so his fre mercie in Christ is an inferiro cause of saluacion, & the hardening of the heart, an inferior cause of damnacion.