1 a It is to be thoght that this was the Captaine of the Romaines garison.
2 b The Sadduces were great enemies, to this doctrine.
3 ! Peter and John deliuered out of prison, preache the Gospel boldely.
4 c The whole Church was increased to this nomber.
7 d By whose autoritie or commandement?
8 e For he colde not haue so spoken of him self.
9 f Judges oght to condemne, but approue and commend that which is wel done.
10 ! Thei confesse plainely the Name of Christ.
11 g Meaning Priests, Elders and Gouerners.
11 h For to vpholde the waight & force of the buylding.
12 i That is, none other cause or meane.
15 k The wicked stil rage against Christ, thogh their owne conscience do condemn them.
16 ! They are commanded to preache no more in that name.
17 l They gaue commandement to preache Christ no more.
18 m They preferre their authoritie to the ordinance of God.
20 n To the intent that we shulde beare witnes, & preache them.
21 o God hathe put a ring through the wicked noses so that he stayed them from their mischiuous purposes.
23 p To encourage one another, & to glorifie God.
24 ! They pray for the good successe of the Gospel.
25 q They grounde their praiers vpon God's promes, who had assured that he wolde enlarge the kingdome of Christ.
27 r This is the verifying of the prophecie.
27 s And appointed to be King.
28 u All things are done by the force of Gods purpose, according to the decree of his wil, {Ephe. 1,11}
29 x Aswage their rage and malice which they entreprise against thee.
29 y They seke not how to liue at ease, but whereby they may moste glorifie God.
31 z This was a signe of Gods presence and the performans of his promes.
31 a This boldenes & constancie declared that their praier toke effect.
32 c Their hearts were so joined in God, that being all membres of one godie, they colde not suffer their fellow membres to be destitute.
32 ! The increase, vnitie and charitie of the Church.
32 b Of one minde, wil, consent and affection.
34 d As the Apostles suffred none to lacke, so S. Paul commandeth, that no idle loyterers be mainteined, {2 Thes. 3,10}
35 e The goods were not alike deuided amongs all, but as euerie man had want, so was his necessitie moderately relieued.