1 ! He armeth his disciples with consolation against trouble.
2 ! He ascendeth into heauen to prepare vs a place.
6 e Therefore we must begin in him, continewe in him, & end in him.
10 f For the verie fulnes of the diuinitie remaineth in Christ.
10 g In that, that he is man.
10 h Who declareth his majestie and vertue by his doctrine and miracles.
12 i That is referred to the whole bodie of the Church in whome this vertue of Christ doeth shine & remaine for euer.
16 k I haue comforted you whiles I was with you, but hensforthe the holie Gost shal comfort you, and preserue you.
23 p Whereby he aduertiseth them not to haue respect to the worlde, lest they shulde be drawen backe by euil example.
23 ! The promes vnto them that kepe his worde.
30 u Satan executeth his rage & tyrannie by the permsiion of God.
30 u Satan shal assaile me with all his force, but he sahl not finde that in me which he loketh for: for I am that Innocent lambe without spot.