3 ! Christ turneth the water into wine.
6 b Whereof euerie one conteined 15 gallons.
6 a Who vsed continual washings to purifie them selues. Which superstition Hebion the heretike wolde haue broght into the Church and now the Papistes haue receiued it.
14 ! He driueth the byers, and sellers out of the Temple.
17 c This affection was so burning in him, that it surmounted and swallowed vp all the others.
19 ! He forewarneth his death and resurrection.
21 d Christs bodie might justly be called the temple, because the fulnes of the God head dwelleth in it corporally, {Colo. 2,9}
23 ! He conuerteth many, and distrusteth man.
24 e For he toke not them for true disciples, as he knewe by their inwarde thoghtes, what religion soeuer they did pretende outwardely.