9 b To be the sonne of Abraham, is to be chosen frely, {Rom. 9, 8} to walke in the steppes of the faith of Abraham, {Rom. 4,12}: to do the workes of Abraham, {John 8,39}. by the which things we are moste assured of life euerlasting, {Ro. 8,29}.
9 a Zaccheus adoption was a signe that the whole familie was receiued to mercie. Notwithstanding this promes, God reserueth to him self fre libertie ether to chuse or forsake as in Abrahams house.
12 c This was to declare to them that he must yet take great paines before his kingdome shulde be established.
13 d This piece of money is called Mina, and the whole some mounteth about the value of 17 pounde, esteming euerie piece, about fiue nobles & seuen pence.
15 f Whereby we learne that the seconde comming of our Sauiour Christ shalbe more glorious, and excellent, then it doeth now appeare.
26 h He that faithfully bestoweth the graces of God, shal haue them increased: but they shalbe taken away from him that is vnprofitable, and vseth them not to Gods glorie.
28 i Hereby we perceiue the excellent constancie of Christ, who notwithstanding he did now fight against the terrour of death and Gods judgement: yet went before his feareful disciples and led the way to death.
38 l They wishe that God may be appeased, & reconciled with men: and so by this meanes be glorified.
42 m Christ partely pittieth the Citie which was so nere her destruction, & partely vpbraideth their malice which wolde not embrace Christ their Sauiour, and therefore pronounceth greater punishment to Jerusalem then to other cities, which had not receiued like graces.
42 n Meaning Christ, without whome there is not saluation & with whome is all felicitie.
42 o Through thine owne malice thou art blinded.
47 ! And his enemies seke to destroy him.