2 a That is, to turne him backe from the knowledge of God, and his saluacion.
6 d Meaning, thei shulde do wonderful and incredible things.
6 ! He magnifieth the vertue of faith
8 e Hereby is declared that it is not ynough to do a piece of our duetie for a time, but also we must continue to the end.
10 f For God receiueth nothing of vs, whereby he shulde stand bounde vnto vs.
14 g To whome it did apperteine to judge of the leprosie, {Leui. 14, 2}: and hereby also the Priests shulde haue no occasion to grudge, or murmure.
20 i It can not be decerned by anie outwarde shew, or maiestie, whereby it might the rather be knowen.
20 ! Speaketh of the latter dayes, nd of the end of the worlde.
21 k Ether by reason of the worde of God, which is receiued by faith, or that the Messias, whome thei soght, as absent, is now present, euen within their owne dores, and yet they knowe him not, {John 1:11}
31 o We must forget that which we haue left behinde vs to the end, that we may the better followe to heauenlie vocacion.