10 b He that shal resist against the worde of God purposely, and against his conscience.
14 d Christ chiefly came to be judged & not to judge, not withstanding he willeth the Christians to be judges and decide controuersies betwixt their brethren, {1 Cor. 6,1}
14 ! Not to passe our vocation.
15 e Christ condemneth the arrogancie of the riche worldelings, who as thogh they had God locked vp in their coffres, & barnes, set their whole felicitie in their goods, not considering that God gaue them life and also can take it away when he will.
15 ! Not to giue our selues to couetous care of this life.
27 h The liberalitie of God which shineth in the herbes and floures, surmounteth all that man can do by his riches or force.
32 k Which is the chiefest thing that can be giuen, and therefore you can not want those things which are of lesse importance.
32 ! But to righteousnes, almes, watching, patiente, wisdome and concorde.
37 m Because they did vse long garments, the maner was to girde or trusse them vp when they went about anie busines.
42 n The porcion of seruants euerie moneth was foure peckes of corne, as Donatus writeth in Phormie.
48 p To whome God hathe giuen manie graces.
49 q The Gospel is as a burning fyre moste vehement, which maketh a change of things through all the worlde.
49 r If therebe great troubles and alterations vpon the earth, which things come not by the proprietie of the Gospel, but through the wickednes of man.