32 r The songs of litle children are sufficient to condemne the Pharises and suche like.
32 ! And reproueth the Jewes for their vnfaithfulnes.
34 f Liueth according to the facion of other men.
35 t He sheweth that the wicked, althogh they turne from God, shal nothing hinder the elect to continewe in faith of the Gospel.
36 ! He eateth with the Pharise.
47 u This great loue is a signe that she felt her self muche bounde vnto Christ, who had forgiuen her so manie sinnes.
50 x The peace of conscience cometh onely of faith.
0 ! The woman washeth his fete with her teares, and forgiueth her sinnes..
2 a It might be, that this captaine did lie with his garrison in Capernaum.
2 ! He healeth the captaines seruant.
5 b In buylding them a Temple for their assemblies, he shewed his zeale towardes the true seruice of God.
6 c The friends speake to Jesus in the captaines name.
7 d Or, commande by a worde onely that it so be.
9 e He commendeth this heathen captaine because he assureth him self vpon Christs worde alone.
11 f Which was a towne of Golile in the tribe of Issachar not farre from Tiberias.
11 ! He raiseth vp the widowes sonne from death to life.
14 g Christ calleth those things that are not, as if they were, & giueth life to them that be dead.
16 h That is, to establish, and restore them.
19 i To wit, the Messias, and redemer.
19 ! He answereth the disciples whome John Baptise sent vnto him.
22 / Or, the Gospel is preached to the poore.
22 l Suche as fele their owne miserie, and wrethednes.
22 k He declareth by the vertues, and power that were in him that he was the Christ.
23 m That shal perseueie and not shrinke backe for anie thing that can come vnto them.
29 o They praised him as just, faithful, good and merciful, so that the frute of their baptisme appeared in them.
29 p This worde comprehendeth the whole doctrine that John taught.
30 q Meaning to their owne condemnation or as some read, with them selues because they durst not openly speake against Johns doctrine: for they feared the people, {Matth. 21, 46}