7 / Or, adjure thee to sweare by God.
7 a The deuil is constrained to confesse Jesus Christ, & yet ceaseth not to resist him.
13 / Or, in the lake.
17 e The worldelings more esteme their swine, then they do Jesus Christ.
19 f We must declare vnto others the benefites which God sheweth towardes vs, that thereby they may giue him praise and glorie.
27 g Her faith broght her to Christ and moued her to approche nere vnto him, & not a superstitious opinion, to attribute any vertue to his garment.
29 / Or, knewe.
29 / Or, fountaine.
39 h He ment, she was not dead to remaine so because she shulde incontinently be restored againe to life.
40 k That is, his thre disciples.