1 b Men tempt God ether by their incredulitie, or curiositie.
1 a Althogh they did not agre in doctrine, yet they joyned together to fight against trueth.
12 f We may boldely by Christs admonition reject and contemne all erronious doctrine and mans inuentions, and oght onely to cleaue to the worde of God.
18 h Vpon that faith whereby thou hast confessed and acknoledged men: for it is grounded vpon an infallible trueth.
18 i The power of Satan which standeth in craft and violence.
19 k The preachers of the Gospel open the gates of heauen with the worde of God, which is the right keye: so, that where this worde is not purely taught, there is nether key, nor autoritie.
19 l Condemne by Gods worde.
19 / Or, absolue.
21 n He wolde plucke out of their hearts that false opinion, which they had of his temporal kingdome.
23 o Which worde signifieth aduersarie, who resisteth the wil of God, either of malice, as did Judas, or rashnes and arrogancie, as Peter did.
25 ! To winne or lose the life.