1 a Assone as they rsie they execute their wicked deuises of the night, and according to their power hurt others.
1 / Ebr., is so power.
4 b Thus the Jewes lament and say that theire is not hope of restitution seing their possessions are diuided among the enemies.
5 c Ye shah haue no more lands to diuide, as you had in times past, and as you vsed to measure them in the Jubile
6 ! They wolde teache the Prophetes to preache.
6 d Thus the people warne the Prophetes that they speake to them no more: for they can not abide their threatenings.
7 g No not the godlie finde my wordes comfortable?
8 i The poore can haue no commoditie by them, but they spoyle them, as thogh they were enemies.
9 k That is, their substance, and liuing, which is Gods blessing, and as it were, parte of his glorie.
11 n He sheweth what Prophetes they delite in: that is, in flatteres, which tel them pleasant tales, & speake of their commodities.
13 q To driue them forward and to helpe their enemies.