4 c By staying the sale of fode and necessarie things which you haue gotten into your owne hands, & so cause the poore to spend quickely that little they haue, and at length for necessitie to beome you selaues.
5 d When the dearth was once come, thei were so griedy of gaine, that thei thoght the holy day to be an hinderance vnto them.
5 e That is, the measure smale & the price great.
8 f That is, the inhabitants of the land shal be drowned, as Nilus drowneth many when it ouerfloweth.
12 h Whereby he sheweth that they shal not onely perish in bodie, but also in soule for lacke of Gods worde, which is the fode thereof.
14 i For the idolaters did vse to sweare by their idoles: which here he calleth their sinnes, as the papistes yet do by theirs.