1 a That is, flattereth him self with faine confidence.
1 b Meaning, presentes to get friendship.
3 d Seing that God did thus preferre Jaakob, their father, Judahs ingratitude was the more to be abhorred.
4 f God founde Jaakob as he lay sleping in Bethel, {Gene. 28, 12}, and so spake with him there, that the frute of that speache apperteined to the whole body of the people, whereof we are.
4 e Read {Genes. 32, 31}
8 h Thus the wicked measure Gods fauoru by outward prosperitie, & like hypocrites can not abide that anie shulde reproue their doings.
9 i Seing thou wilt not acknowledge my benefites, I wil bring thee againe to dwell in tnetes as in the feast of the Tabernacles, which thou doest now contemne.
11 k The people thoght that no man durst haue spoken against Gilead, the holie place, and yet the Prophet saith, that all their religion was but vanitie.