2 / Or, hid.
2 / Or, sonnes.
3 c Thogh the dragons be cruel, yet thei pitie their yong and nourish them, which thing Jerusalem doeth not.
3 d The women forsake their children as the ostriche doeth her eggs, {Job. 39,17}.
8 e They that were before moste in Gods fauour, are now in greatest abomination vnto him, {Nomb. 6,2}.
14 h Some referre this to the blinde men, which as they went, stombled on the bood, whereof the citie was ful.
14 i Meaning, the heathen which came to destroy them, colde not abyde them.
16 k That is, the enemies.
17 l He sheweth two principal causes of their destruction: their crueltie, & their vaine confidence in man: for they trusted in the helpe of the Egyptians.
20 m Our King Josiah, in whome stode our hope of Gods fauour, and on home depended our state & life, was slayne whome he calleth anointed, because he was a figure of Christ.
21 / Or, shew thy nakednes.