2 a Meaning, that the affliction shulde be so horrible in Jerusalem, that wife, and children shulde but increase his sorowe.
5 b Signifying that the affliction shulde be so great that one shulde not haue leasure to comfort another.
10 e Because the wicked are alwaies rebellious and dissemble their owne sinnes, & murmur against Gods judgements as thogh he had no just cause to punish them, he sheweth him what to answer.
15 f Signifying the benfite of their deliuerance out of Babylon shulde be so great, that it shulde abolish the remembrance of their deliuerance from Egypt: but he hathe here chiefly respect to the spiritual deliuerance vnder Christ.
15 ! Their deliuerance.
16 g By the fishers and hunters are ment the Babylonians and Caldeans who shulde destroy them in such sort that if they escape the one, the other shulde take them.
19 i He wondereth at the great mercie of God in this deliuerance, which shal not onely extend to the Jewes, but also the Gentiles.
19 k Our fathers were most vile idolaters: therefore it cometh onely of Gods mercie, that he performeth his promes, & hathe not vtterly cast vs of.
19 ! The calling of the Gentiles.