1 a The Prophet sheweth the great compassion that he had toward this people, seing, that he colde neuer sufficiently lament the destruction that he saw to hang ouer them. Which is a special note to discrene the true pastours from the hirelings, read :chap. 4, 19}
2 b He sheweth that this were more quietnes, & greater safety for him to dwell among the wild-beastes then among this wicked people, saue that God hathe injoyned him this charge.
12 k Meaning, that they are all without sense, and vnderstanding, and that God hathe taken his Spirit from them.
14 l He sheweth that the children can not excuse them selues by their fathers: for bothe father, & childe if the be wicked, shal perish.
17 n Seing you can not lament your owne sinnes, call for those foolish women, whome of a superstition you haue to lament for the dead, that they, by their fained teares may prouoke you to some sorow.
20 p He derideth the superstition of the women, which made an arte of mourning, & taught to wepe with fained teares.
21 q Signifying, that there is no means to deliuer the wicked from Gods judgements: but when thei thinke to be moste sure, and moste farre of, then are they sonest taken.
23 r For asmuche as none can saue him self by his owne labour or anie worldlie meanes, he sheweth that it is in vaine to put our trust therein but that we trust in the Lord, & rejoyce in him, who onely can deliuer vs, {1 Cor. 1, 31}. {2 Cor. 10, 17}.
24 s These thre pointes are necessarie to knowe aright: his mercie wherein consisteth our saluation: his judgement, which he executeth continually against the wicked, and his justice, whereby he defendeth, and mainteineth the faithful.