1 a Meaning, the Gentile which knew not God, shulde seke after him when he had moued their hearts with his holy Spirit, {Rom. 10,20}.
2 b He sheweth the cause of the rejection of the Jewes, because they woulde not obey him for anie admonition of his Prophetes, by whome he called them continually & stretched out his hand to drawe them.
2 c He sheweth that to delite in our owne fantasies is the declining from God & the beginning of all superstition & idolatrie.
3 e Meaning their altars, which he thus nameth by contempt.
4 f To consult with spirits & to conjure deuils which was forbidden, {Deut. 18,11}
5 i Their punishement shal neuer haue end.
7 l Shalbe bothe punished together: and this declareth how the children are punished for their fathers fautes: to wit, when the same fautes or like are founde in them.
8 m That is, it is profitable: meaning, that God wil not destroy the faithful branches of his vineyard when he destroieth the roten stockes, that is the hyprocrites.
11 o By the multitude & nomber he meaneth their innumerable idoles, of whome they thoght they colde neuer haue ynough.
12 p Seing you can not nomber your gods, I wil nomber you with the sworde.
13 r By these wordes, Eat & drinke, he meaneth the blessed life of the faithful, which haue alwaies consolacion, & ful contentement of all things in their God, thogh some times they lacke these corporal things.
15 s Meaning, that he wolde call the Gentiles, who shulde abhorre, euen the very name of the Jewes for their infidelities sake.
15 t Then by the name of the Jewes.
16 u By blessing, & by swearing, it ment the praising of God for his benefites, and the true worshiping of him, which shal not be onely in Judea, but through all the worlde.
16 x I wil no more suffer my Church to be desolate as in times past.
20 z Meaning, in this wonderful restauracion of the Church there shulde be no weakenes of youth, nor infirmities of age, but all shulde be fresh, and florishing: & this is accomplished in the heauenlie Jerusalem, when all sinnes shal cease and all teares shalbe wiped away.
20 a Whereby he sheweth that the infideles and vnrepentant sinners haue no parte of this benediction.