1 a This is spoken in the persone of Christ to assure the faithful, that these promises shulde come to passe: for they were all made in him, and in him shulde be performed.
1 b This ment of the time, that Christ shulde be naifested to the worlde, as Psal 2,7.
2 d God hathe taken me to his protection and defnece: this chiefly is ment of Christ, and may also be applied to the ministers of his worde.
4 f Thus Christs in his members complaineth, that his labour, and preaching take none effect, yet he is contented, that his doings are approued of God.
6 ! Christ is the saluacion of all that belue, and wil deliuer them from the tyrannie of their enemies.
6 h To declare my Gospel to the Gentiles, {Cha. 42,6} {act 13,47}, {luk 2,31}.
7 k The benefit of their deliuerance shalbe so great, that great & smale shal acknowledge it, & reuerence God for it.
8 m Meaning, Christ alone.
8 n Signifying, that before Christ renue the earth by his worde, there is nothing, but confusion & disorder.
9 p Being in Christs protection, they shal be safe against all dangers, & fre from the feare of the enemies.
10 q Meaning, that there shulde be nothing in their way from Babylon, that shulde hinder or hurt them: but this is accomplished spiritually.
14 t He obiectheth what the faithful might say in their long affliction, and answereth thereunto to comfort them, with a most proper similitude, and ful of consolation.
16 x Meaning, that good order of policie & discipline.
18 z He sheweth what are the ornaments of the Church: to ahue manie children, which are assembled by the worde of God & gouerned by his Spirit.
22 a He sheweth, that Christ wil not onely gather this great nomber of the Jewes, but also of the Gentiles.
23 b Meaning, that Kings shalbe conuerted to the Gospel and bestow their power, & autoritie for the preseruation of the Church.
23 c Being joyned with the Church, they shal humble themselues to Christ their head, and giue him all honour.
24 d He maketh this as an objection, as thogh the Chaldeans were strong, & had them in juste possession.