1 b The chief citie, whereby the whole countrey was ment.
1 ! A prophecie against Moab.
2 d Which were cities of Moab.
2 e For as in the West partes the people vsed to let their heere growe long, when they mourned, so in the East partes they cut it of.
5 f The Prophet speaketh this in the persone of the Moadbites, or as one that felt, the great judgement of God that shulde come vpon them.
5 g Meaning, that it was a citie that euer liued in pleasure, and neuer flet sorowe.
5 h He describeth the miserable dissipation, and flight of the Moabites.
9 i So that by no meanes they shulde escape the hand of God: thus wil God punish the enemies of his Church.
9 k Of them that are slaine.