2 a He forbiddeth vs not to become suretie one for another, according to the rule of charitie, but that we consider for whome and after what sort, so that the creditour may not be defrauded.
6 b If thy word of God can not instruct thee, yet learne as the little pismire to labour for thy self and not to burden others.
6 ! The slouthful and sluggish is stirred to worke.
10 c He expresseth liuely the nature of the sluggards, which thogh they slepe neuer so long yet haue ynough, but euer seke accasions thereunto.
11 e It shal come in such sort as thou art not able to resist it.
12 f He sheweth to what inconuenience the idle persones & sluggardes come, by calling them vnthriftie or the men of Belial & sclanderous.
13 g Thus all his gesture tendeth to wickednes.
18 h Meaning, the raging affections, which carie a man away in suche sort that he can not tel what he doeth.
23 k By the commandement he meaneth the worde of God: & by the instruction, the preaching and declaration of the same, which is committed to the Church.,
23 l And reprehensions when the worde is preached bring vs to life.
27 n Meaning, that she wil neuer cease, til she haue broght thee to beggerie & then seke thy destruction.
30 o He approueth not theft, but sheweth that it is not so abominable as whoredome, forasmuche as theft might be redemed: but adulterie was a perpetual infamie, and death by the Law of God.
30 p Meaning, for very necessitie.