1 ! An earnest praier for remission of sinnes, acknowledging that the enemies did thus cruelly persecute him by Gods just judgement.
1 a That is, as you hast promised to be faithful in thy promes to all that trust in thee.
1 b That is, according to thy fre goodnes, whereby thou defendest thine.
2 c He knewe that his afflictions were Gods messingers to call him to repentance for his sinnes, thogh toward his enemies he was innocent, & that in Gods sight all men are sinners.
3 d He acknowledget that God is the onelie & true phisicion to heale him: & that he is able to raise, him to life thogh he were dead long ago & turned to ashes.
3 ! He desireth to be restored to grace.
8 g That is, spedely & in due season.
10 ! To be gouerned by his holie Spirit, that he maie spende the remnant of his life in the true feare & seruice of God.
10 l That is, justly & aright. for so sone as we decline from Gods wil, we fall into errour.
10 k He confesseth that bothe the knowledge & obedience of God wil commeth by the Spirit of God, who treacheth vs by his worde, giueth vnderstanding by his Spirit, & frameth our hearts by his grace to obey him.
12 m Which shal be a signe of thy Fatherlie kindenes toward me.