1 ! Dauid complaineth of the cruelitie, falsehode & injuries of his enemies.
1 a Which persecuteth me of malice & without cause.
2 b That is, by their false cauillacions and lies thei kindle the hatred of the wicked against me.
3 c He sheweth what weapons the wicked vse when power & force faile them.
4 d He declareth what is the remedie of the godlie, when thei are oppressed by the worldelings.
7 e He calleth to God with liuelie faith, being assured of his mercies, because he had before time prouen, that God helped him euer in his dangers.
8 f For it is in Gods hand to ouerthrowe the counsels & enterprises of the wicked.
8 ! Against the which he priaeth vnto the Lord and assureth himself of his helpe and succour.
9 g It semeth that he alludeth to Saul.
10 h To wit, God: for Dauid saw that thei were reprobat & that there was no hope of repentance in them.
11 i Gods plagues shal light vpon him in suche sort, that he shal not escape.
12 ! Wherefore he prouoketh: the just to praise the Lord, & to assure them selues of his tuition.
13 k That is, shalbe defended & preserued by thy Fatherlie prouidence & care.