1 a By this repetition he sheweth that the least of Gods benefites binde vs to thankesgiuing: but chiefly his mercie, which is principally declared towards his Church.
1 ! A moste earnest exhortation to giue thankes vnto God for the creation and gouernance of all things which standeth in confessing that he giueth vs all of his mere liberalitie.
6 b This was a commune kinde of thanksgiueing which the whole people vsed, when thei had receiued anie benefite of God, as {2 Chr. 7,6 & 20, 21}: meaning that God was not onely merciful to their fathers, but also continued the fame to their posteritie.
11 c Gods mercieful prouidence toward man appeareth in all his creatures, but chiefly in that that he deliuered his Church from the thraldome of their enemies.